Vintage Car Parts

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Replacement Vybak type, flexible window sheeting for sewing into the rear window of folding hood etc. Pliable and durable, approx 0.75mm thick. We offer in full or half sheets as below: Full sheet 1370mm x 610mm Half sheet 685mm x 610mm --

Replacement Vybak type, flexible window sheeting for sewing into the rear window of folding hood etc. Pliable and durable, approx 0.75mm thick. We offer in full or half sheets as below: Full sheet 1370mm x 610mm Half sheet 685mm x 610mm --

Replacement Vybak type, flexible window sheeting for sewing into the rear window of folding hood etc. Pliable and durable, approx 0.75mm thick. We offer in full or half sheets as below: Full sheet 1370mm x 610mm Half sheet 685mm x 610mm

906-OVAL - Hood window frame - OVAL

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Oval hood window frame to fit into the back and sides of convertible hoods. A period fitting rather than using flexible vyback. We now manufacture a small oval version of our 906 style frame. Size approximately 200mm x 150mm and closely based on an original frame as a pattern. The outer frame is a chrome plated 7.5mm thick 'D' profile one piece bronze lost wax casting. The backing plate is chrome on brass 3mm thick flat section. The front and back plates screw together to sandwich the fabric with 12 countersunk stainless steel screws. 12 longer panhead locating screws are also supplied for fitting up purposes. This part includes a pre-cut 2.5mm thick Perspex window, shaped to fit the cast bronze surround. We can also offer this frame assembly in polished brass or nickel plate finish.

Hood window frame to fit into the back of convertible hoods. A period fitting rather than using flexible vyback. We manufacture this frame in one standard size of approx 460mm x 150mm, closely following an original pattern. We use a specially produced brass section and offer the item in a choice of polished brass or chrome or nickel platefinish. A flat brass backing plate screws in to the back of the special brass section. Please note frame is not supplied with glass or perspex.

Second quality chrome hood window frame to fit into the back of convertible hoods. A period fitting rather than using flexible vyback. We manufacture in one standard size of approx 460mm x 150mm, closely following an original pattern, please note the frame is not supplied with glass or perspex. This surround has one small imperfection where the frame has been brazed when joining together, small pit marks showing through the chome (see photo) This frame is being offered at a reduced price to sell as is.