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FWC3/8LD - Copper washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Copper washer 3/8" ID with 0.750" OD

To suit the following sizes - 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP, 1/2" BSP --

In the following sizes: For 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP (per packet of 10 pieces) AND 1/2" BSP (per EACH) thread sizes --

BSM8 - Bonded Seal M8 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M8 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM6 - Bonded Seal M6 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M6 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM5 - Bonded Seal M5 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M5 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM24 - Bonded Seal M24 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M24 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor

BSM22 - Bonded Seal M22 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M22 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM20 - Bonded Seal M20 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M20 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM18 - Bonded Seal M18 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M18 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM16 - Bonded Seal M16 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M16 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor

BSM14 - Bonded Seal M14 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M14 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor

BSM12 - Bonded Seal M12 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M12 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BSM10 - Bonded Seal M10 ID

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal M10 ID. Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS9/16 - Bonded Seal 9/16" (M14)

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 9/16" (M14). Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

Bonded Seal 7/8" (for 5/8" BSP)

BS7/16 - Bonded Seal 7/16"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 7/16". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS5/8 - Bonded Seal 5/8" (M16)

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 5/8" (M16). Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS5/16 - Bonded Seal 5/16"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 5/16". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS3/8 - Bonded Seal 3/8"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 3/8" Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS3/4 - Bonded Seal 3/4"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 3/4". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

Bonded Seal 21/32" (for 3/8" BSP). Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS15/16 - Bonded Seal 15/16" (M24)

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 15/16" (M24)

Bonded Seal 13/16" (for 1/2" BSP). Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS11/32 - Bonded Seal 11/32"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 11/32". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS1/8 - Bonded Seal 1/8"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 1/8". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS1/4 - Bonded Seal 1/4"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 1/4". Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor. These are 0.250" ID

Bonded Seal 1/2" (for (1/4" BSP). Rectangular section metal washer with a bonded rubber inner to form a seal around a bolt/thread e.g. between a sandwich plate and a threaded adaptor.

BS1 - Bonded Seal 1" (for 3/4BSP)

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Bonded Seal 1" (for 3/4BSP)

Fibre washer - M10, 3/8", 1/8" BSP

FWFW9/16 - Fibre washer - 9/16", M14

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Fibre washer 14mm or 9/16 inner diameter

FWFW5/16 - Fibre Washer - 5/16", M8

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Fibre washer M8, 5/16"

FWFW1/2 - Fibre washer - 1/2", M12

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Fibre washer M12 , 1/2"

FWFW7/16 - Fibre washer - 7/16"

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

7/16" fibre washer

SPWM7/16 - 7/16" Shake Proof Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Internal Serrated Shake Proof washer for 7/16" ID

SPWM20 - M20 Shake Proof Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Internal Serrated Shake Proof washer for M20 ID

Internal Serrated Shake Proof washer for 3/4" (M19) inner diameter

Internal serrated shake proof washer for M10 , 3/8" 1/8" BSP

SPWM1/2 - 1/2" Shake Proof Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Internal Serrated Shake Proof washer for 1/2" ID

SPW5/8 - 5/8" Shake Proof Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Internal Serrated Shake Proof washer for 5/8" Whitworth ID

Washer - Solid Copper for 3/4" BSP - ID. OD x ID x THICKNESS - 33 x 27 x 1.4mm

Washer - Solid Copper 5/8" BSP inner diameter. OD x ID x THICKNESS - 28 x 23 x 0.8mm

WSCM14 - M14 Solid Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Solid Copper M14. ODx IDxTHICKNESS - 18x14x1mm

WSCM12 - M12 Solid Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Solid Copper M12. ODx IDxTHICKNESS - 16x12x1mm

WSCM10 - M10 Solid Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

M10 x 13.5 x 1mm

WSCM8 - M8 Solid Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Solid Copper M8. ODx IDxTHICKNESS - 11x8x0.9mm

Washer - Folded Copper 1/2" BSP thread

WFC9/16 - M14 Folded Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Folded Copper M14 thread - 1/4"BSP

WFCM12 - M12 Folded Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Folded Copper M12 thread

WFCM10 - M10 Folded Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Folded Copper M10 thread.

WFCM8 - M8 Folded Copper Washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

Washer - Folded Copper For M8 thread

In the following sizes: For 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP (per packet of 10 pieces) AND 1/2" BSP (per EACH) thread sizes --

In the following sizes: For 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP (per packet of 10 pieces) AND 1/2" BSP (per EACH) thread sizes --

In the following sizes: For 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP (per packet of 10 pieces) AND 1/2" BSP (per EACH) thread sizes -- M10 folded compression washer

FCW:CONTAINER - Folded copper washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

In the following sizes: For 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP (per packet of 10 pieces) AND 1/2" BSP (per EACH) thread sizes

To suit the following sizes - 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP, 1/2" BSP --

To suit the following sizes - 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP, 1/2" BSP --

To suit the following sizes - 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP, 1/2" BSP --

SCW:CONTAINER - Solid copper washer

From £0.00 (exc. VAT)

To suit the following sizes - 1/8" BSP, 1/4" BSP, 3/8" BSP, 1/2" BSP

Washer for between rear mudguard and running board, also used on exhaust silencer brackets. Approximately 25mm outside diameter, 10mm inside diameter and 5mm thick.